With the long awaited release of WolfEdit 2.0 Demo and the registered version comes the question on everyone's mind? "How do I access the walls, doors, objects, and enemies that are included in Wolfenstein?" The answer is not an easy one, but help is here!
These three files are the COPYRIGHTED artwork from Wolfenstein 3D for the walls and doors. You may use them as a guide to creating your own artwork.
Please note: These are the original artwork and CAN NOT be used in your scenarios without the expressed written consent of MacPlay. You can however alter them and use them in your scenarios.
It has been brought to our attention that several of the new scenarios circulating on AOL have original artwork created by WolfAddict Software in them. Without the expressed written consent of WolfAddict Software, this too is a copyright violation!
So, get those creative juices flowing and let's see some really EXCELLENT scenarios!